I am sitting at my desk this Monday after Thanksgiving weekend struggling to come up with a topic for what I have promised will be a weekly blog. Do I write a “how to” article on some topic of interest to entrepreneurs getting started, should I discuss the lack of start-up capital for a certain industry sector or geography or should I talk to the larger policy issues affecting entrepreneurial development in Iowa and other Midwestern states? Does it matter? Is anyone reading what I write?
I was at a social media conference not long ago where a speaker discussed the roles played by people signed up on social media sites. This person related that approximately 90 percent of those going to a social media site limit their activity to that of an observer they only read what others have written. They write nothing nor do they comment on what others write. Approximately 10% are writers. They both read others posts and write their own but do not comment on what others have written. Finally about one percent are readers, writers and editors, taking full advantage to interact with others on the site.
If one is to take this same metric to a blog post, one needs at least 100 people reading the post to get one comment back. This is fine if the objective of the blogger is to express his or her view with little concern about others position on an issue. What I am trying to accomplish with much of what I write is to get a discussion going among those interested in developing entrepreneurism and in a broader sense economic growth in the Midwest. I am trying to identify a few people in each locality or region of Iowa and neighboring states that want to lead a grass roots effort to get things moving in their area.
I want to find people that understand that we cannot have a half-dozen organizations in one metropolitan area working on different aspects of entrepreneurial assistance - People that know that we must develop regional efforts that have enough mass to produce meaningful results - People that understand that the state must provide guidance and resources but sub-state regions must design and operate initiatives that make sense for their particular circumstances.
So I’m not going discuss a specific issue, problem or resource today. Instead I ask that anyone reading this post respond. Please let me know if you are interested in working in your community or region or tell me you think I’m nuts. Let me know if you would like me to call or visit with you about what can be done. Finally, if you would rather not express your views publicly and do not wish to volunteer just let me know that you read the article so I have some measure of readership. Thank you.
Ode’ to Cecil!
5 years ago