Thursday, June 3, 2010

Book Review of "Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development, Edited by Norman Walzer

I just completed reading "Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development", edited by Norman Walzer, published by Lexington Books, copyright 2007. Each chapter written by different authors or set of authors.

I think the book is really a bit mis-titled. A better title might be Entrepreneurship and Rural Economic Development as the book really focus on what rural communities can do to spur entrepreneurship. The book interested me because I am in the heart of Iowa where many of my clients are rural communities or regions. I may have been disappointed had I purchased this book and were an economic development professional in Chicago, New York or Los Angeles.

The book is really a combination of empirical analysis/rural entrepreneurial strategies and case stuidies. I found it extremely useful, if a bit dated. The book was written in 2007, really not that long ago but given that the whole social media industry has blossomed since then it's difficult to stay current. Several of the authors are associated with the Rural Policy Research Intitute's (RUPRI)Center for Rural Entrepreneurship, whose website keeps current on such topics.

I would recommend this reading for any economic development professional, local elected official or community leader in all but perhaps the 50-100 largest cities in the U.S. It is extremely comprehensive, makes a great case for entrepreneurship as "The" economic development strategy.It shows the reader how the strategy can work and where it has been successful.

It also emphasizes a regional approach to entrepreneurial development which I belive is the only way to create critical mass in rural areas. The case study of Appalachian Ohio is a great illustration of how one of the poorest areas in the nation can turn things around! It really shows that any region, with the right strategy, leadership and focus can move their economy into the 21st century.

Have any of you read the book? I'd love to hear what you think.

I am currently reading another book by some of the same authors, "Energizing Entrepreneurs, Charting a Course for Rural Communities by Deborah Markley, Don Macke and Vicki B. Luther. Published in 2005, this book is just slightly older than, "Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development." It is a bit shorter and seems to be more of a how to guide with case studies to provide credibility. I'll let you know what I think when I'm finished reading it.

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